It was such a delight to work with Amanda and Duncan for their Cornerstone Theatre wedding in Canmore, once again. This time though, their new private ceremony site was ready and it is just so special. The views and the landscape made for such a gorgeous ceremony. Amanda and Duncan are one of those easy going couples that you instantly love to be around the second you meet them. Amanda’s enthusiasm for pretty much everything (even a Pug that she doesn’t own…yet) put a smile on my face the whole day. And the way Duncan looks at her, and her at him, it was just completely effortless. Their dance floor was packed and I have to say, shooting inside the Cornerstone Theatre is my FAVOURITE. Because of the already rustic and cozy interior, there doesn’t need to be a lot of decorations and the way my off camera strobes bounce the light is just so cool! Haha, the nerdy side is coming out! If you’re looking for a stunning ceremony location and a fabulous reception space, then this is a very good choice.
